Sunday, September 8, 2013

Busy? Or Burnt Out?

There is a difference. Busy is, "having a great deal to do." Burnt out is, "becoming completely exhausted through overwork." If you are, "busy" to the point of sheer exhaustion your probably not busy, your probably burnt out. It's important to recongnize the signs and know the difference. If we go about life busying ourselves with things is this wrong? I would say, it all depends on your motives. If you are choosing to fill your time up being busy with things to try and mask pain to distract, or say, fill a void you feel you can't get filled any other way -those would be examples of being the wrong kind of busy. Is it wrong to be busy? Ecclesiastes 11:6 tells us, "Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let not your hands be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well." In other words, be productive and don't be lazy. This is where the challenge lies, if your anything like me, we tend to think, "Okay, I won't be lazy, I will be productive. . .productive as in, I will constantly fill my time with "things" and "stuff" focusing on my tasks to avoid being idle." This is where we make a mistake. That sounds all fine and dandy until we realize what we are doing with our time is becoming more important that who we are doing it for. Also, I would like to add, that we can be busy but that can also be just another form of laziness. There is a difference between, "busyness" and "business", "idleness" and "productivity".

Is it all the Lord's work? Or is what we are doing all in vain and a big waste of the time God's given us?

I want to hopefully be of an encouragment to you today. Don't let the busyness of life distract you from the business of life -God's business. If our hands are busy doing God's work, idleness is forced out of the picture. If what we do and why we do it is at all taking headship over Christ and His people and if our focus is inward 
and self-seeking... idleness is inevitable; as well as idolness.

In sum, be BUSY doing:
  • God's business.
  • Refuse to be lazy. Combat that with being selfless instead of selfish. 
  • Avoid (or at least postpone) burn out by busying yourself, joyfully, working heartily as unto the Lord. 
  • Know the difference and recongnize the signs between/of, "Busy" and "Burnt out". 
  • And don't waste the time God's given you! Life is way to precious and much too short to live an idle, selfish and unproductive life.
 I challenge you to ask yourself the questions, "How do I define, "busy"? "Am I burnt out?" "What steps can I take to live and lead a productive and God honoring life?" "Am I at all?" I will be asking myself these same questions. God bless you in all your endevours to please and bring glory and Honor to Christ through how you choose to spend your time. Every minute that goes by is making a stitch in the fabric of time, a legacy -a beautiful tapestry is being created behined us. What legacy do you want to leave behined? Will you leave behined a beautiful tapestry of your life that others can behold and obtain encouragment and inspiration from? Imagine how many generations YOUR wise use of the time you have could impact the future. How you choose to spend your time, will determine this. Spend it wisely and give God the glory because ultimately, it is His tapestry to behold. 


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